Become a member
Diabetologists, orthopaedic and vascular surgeons, podiatrists, specialist nurses and other medical specialists with an interest in caring for diabetic patients with foot problems form the main body of Members of the Diabetic Foot Study Group.
How does one become a member?
One must have an abstract accepted for oral or poster presentation at a DFSG Scientific Meeting. One must present this abstract in person, either as first author, or co-author at the same meeting. Only after successful presentation can one apply to the DFSG Secretariat within 2 months after the conference or onsite at the conference to become a member of the DFSG.
- DFSG Members do not pay a yearly membership fee. They can register for DFSG Scientific Meeting at a reduced rate.
- DFSG Members are entitled to participate in the Scientific and Business Meetings of the Group, to vote and to elect the Executive Committee.
- DFSG Members have to attend at least one out of every three Scientific Meetings following eachother or else they forfeit their membership.