
Trocha, A., Gontscharuk, V., Icks, A., & Jeffcoate, W. (2024). The value of loss of protective sensation in predicting a first ulceration of the foot in people with diabetes, Diabetic Medicine, 41(4), doi: 10.1111/dme.15241. Acknowledgement: Personal thanks to Prof. Dr. Ernst A. Chantelau, who was the initiator of this Study and of the First Ulcer Prevention Research group of DFSG. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Project DEAL.


External Validity and Predictive Power of the DIAFORA System for Predicting Lower-extremity Amputations in a Danish cohort. Prepared for submission.


Different characteristics  between people presenting with a first versus a recurrent diabetes-related ulcer. In draft.


Diabetes related foot ulcer characteristic differences between two European Countries. In draft.