Oral Presentation (2023): Validation of IWGDF risk stratification for a first ever ulcer in a diabetic population with loss of protective sensation
- 9th International Symposium of the Diabetic Foot, The Hague, Netherlands
Poster (2023) : First ever ulcer onset in a diabetic population with loss of protective sensation- is pain perception the game changer?
- 9th International Symposium of the Diabetic Foot, The Hague, Netherlands
Poster (2023) : Major differences in people with diabetic foot ulcers can be found based on clinical history and setting
- 9th International Symposium of the Diabetic Foot, The Hague, Netherlands
Poster (2023): External validity and predictive power of the DIAFORA-score for predicting lower-limb amputations in a Danish cohort
- 9th International Symposium of the Diabetic Foot, The Hague, Netherlands
Oral Presentation (2022): Population differences in diabetic foot ulcers across Europe: preliminary data from an international database. An update from the DFSG Research Group: Prevention of the First Ulcer
- Diabetic Foot Study Group Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia
Oral Presentation (2021): DFSG Prevention of the First Ulcer Study Group Update
- Diabetic Foot Study Group Conference (virtual)
Oral presentation (2020): DFSG Prevention of the First Ulcer Study Group Update
- Diabetic Foot Study Group Conference (virtual)